Enjoy limitless savings and personalized perks with LuLuu Salon & Spa’s premium memberships. No commitments, just indulgence—join today!

Luluu’s Exclusive Membership
Unlock limitless savings with our exclusive membership perks. Customize your membership to align with your unique preferences. Experience the freedom of no long-term commitments; cancel effortlessly. Elevate your self-care journey with LuLuu Salon & Spa’s premium monthly memberships. Join today and immerse yourself in a realm of savings and indulgence!
Silver Membership
Enjoy a 10% discount on all services.
No commitment is required; cancel anytime.
Gold Membership
Elevate your experience with a 15% discount on all services.
Flexibility with no long-term commitment; cancel anytime.
Platinum Membership
Experience the pinnacle of indulgence with a 20% discount on all services.
Enjoy the perks without a binding commitment; cancel anytime.
*Please note that the benefits and discounts offered through our membership cannot be combined with any other ongoing promotional discounts. We strive to provide you with the best value and service.